December 31, 2008


SOON, according to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, is defined as immediately; at once; without undue time lapse; before long (after sunrise); in a prompt manner; speedily; before the usual time.

For the past SEVERAL MONTHS I have been told that my referral will be here “SOON”. Someone forgot to alert Webster that the definition of this word has changed to ‘sometime in the next millennium’ or ‘when ever someone gets around to it’.

By the way, the word right above ‘Soon’ is ‘Sonsy’ which means luck; happiness. How ironic is that?

The week of January 12 is my 4-month mark. I have been told numerous times that I would have my referral by then. Okay, I’ve waited this long; I can handle two more weeks. God has a plan and if two more week’s means getting the baby God intended for me, then two more weeks it is. When I first joined the Yahoo Group everyone told me to get ready because they had all received their referrals in a matter of days, and at the most, within four weeks. That is the reason for my worry, frustration, anxiety, etc. Many doubts and crazy thoughts have been going through my head such as they think I'm too old or they are limiting the number of single people who can adopt. Thank you to my board buddies for keeping me grounded.

I had a great Christmas with my family. Here are a few photos:

My two youngest nephews

My 5 beautiful nieces

My 12 nephews who hate to pose

My Dad made these shelves for my
siblings and me

All 33 of us in the same room!

As I wait and pray, I know that 2009 will be an incredible year for me, one that I will always look back on with fond memories. I wish all of you and yours a


December 20, 2008


I haven't posted in a while because I have been feeling discouraged. I guess I'm tired of the same answer I always have to give to those who ask: "I'm still waiting for my referral." Who in their sane mind likes to wait for anything? I don't like waiting in lines, waiting in traffic, waiting for people who don't respect other people's time. It's my pet peeve. But in this little bubble we refer to as Southern California, where instant gratification is always within our reach, I stopped a moment to meditate on this time of the year. It's Advent, and at this time of the year aren't we all doing the same thing? Waiting for the birth of our Savior? How cool is it that I am actually waiting for the announcement of my own daughter at the same time? So this Advent is extremely special to me. Maybe this Christmas Day will bring an extra special joy to my heart - Jesus AND Janissa. To have my referral come now would forever make this season, my favorite time of the year, that much more blessed. Jesus' timing is miraculous and this Christmas I'm expecting my own miracle. So I ask all of my blog followers to pray with me this Advent season for this additional miracle.

Thank you to my friend Tania, who just brought home Sabah, for being so encouraging. Isn't Sabah adorable?

And thank you to my other new friend, Leah, who has even called me to talk personally and has gone out of her way to bring me peace. Leah just brought home Aslynn, another cutie!

Congratulations to Stephanie and Joseph who welcomed Clair into the world this Advent season.

(Sorry, Clair, this is the only picture I have of you)

Thank you also to all of my family, friends, co-workers, fellow church-goers and bloggers who help to keep my hopes up during the "waiting" period. I love you all.

Finally, thanks to my incredibly awesome confirmation students for their dedication, love and support. You all bring me hope for our future!

So here I sit in my PJ's on a Saturday morning at nearly 11:00 a.m. drinking coffee and sampling the brownies that just came out of the oven and thanking God for all of my blessings and for all of you!